1. Is the NUFA Office open?
No, but we may be reached at [email protected].
2. What can I do if I haven’t been able to spend my PER and the carry-over period is over?
While professional expenses reimbursement funds for full-time faculty will be disbursed as usual, it will be subject to an additional 12 month carry-over period extending the carry-over currently outlined in the FASBU Collective Agreement from three years to four years.
3. If I’m a part-time Member with RFR to teach an on-campus course but now it has to be delivered online, do I retain RFR?
Where a contract faculty member signed a contract for a spring or summer course which now has to be delivered using temporary remote teaching, the faculty member will retain the right to deliver the course regardless of the originally identified delivery mode and whether or not they hold the RFR for the online version of the course. In the event that the course cannot be offered remotely, for feasibility or pedagogical reasons, and other than the above exception, RFR will not be abrogated in the event of the disruption to the delivery mode of courses during the COVID-19 adjustments to programming.
4. Have Student Opinion Surveys been cancelled for all fall/winter and spring/summer courses?
Yes. The SOS and Teaching and Learning Committees have been tasked with coming up with an alternative to SOS. Any alternative will need to have Senate approval before it can be used.
5. When and how can we get access to offices?
The employer sent out an e-mail to the University Community on April 23rd through Nipissing University Communications, outlining steps that must be taken for access to the campus.
6. I am currently on sabbatical and the inaccessibility to my office, the library and the university has compromised my research during this time. What, if anything, can be done?
Faculty currently on sabbatical or who are scheduled to begin sabbatical on July 1, 2020 should contact their Dean immediately to discuss options regarding the completion of their sabbatical plans.
7. I am planning to apply for tenure and/or promotion this year. The COVID-19 closure of the university has affected my teaching, service and research productivity. How will this be viewed in my application and what is being done regarding tenure and promotion and its deadlines?
Members who are planning to apply for tenure and/or promotion should be discussing the impacts on their application with their respective Dean. The deadlines may be amended through consultation and no reasonable request from a Member for an extension to the tenure and/or promotion process due to issues stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak will be denied.