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Grievance and Workplace

The Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA), comprised of the Contract Academic Staff Bargaining Unit (CASBU) and the Full-Time Academic Staff Bargaining Unit (FASBU), negotiate the terms and conditions of employment with the Employer resulting in collective agreements that are democratically ratified by the constituent membership.

From time to time, the Employer will violate the terms of the Collective Agreement or the labour laws of Ontario resulting in the initiation of the grievance (complaint) process. Grievances can also result from differences in interpretation of the Collective Agreement and, less commonly, when a Member or NUFA violates the terms of the Collective Agreement.

Upholding the terms of the Collective Agreements and protecting the rights of the Membership contained within as well as those enshrined in the labour laws of Ontario, are among the most important duties of NUFA. This task is enacted through the Grievance Committee under mandate of the NUFA Executive.

This obligation was enhanced through a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada – Weber v. Ontario Hydro [1995] 2 S.C.R. 929 – which ruled that employees cannot bring lawsuits against employers in matters concerning collective agreements, de facto making the grievance process the only legal means for protecting the rights of and obtaining redress for Members.

Every effort is made to resolve grievances informally while seeking appropriate remedy for each and every Member of NUFA.

If you have an issue or concern, please contact a Grievance Officer, any member of the Grievance Committee, or the NUFA Office at [email protected].

Grievance Committee 2022-2023:

Grievance Handbook:  Policies and Procedures

Annual Reports